Grasse, ville du parfum

Si j'aime Grasse, c'est à grâce à un livre : Le parfum de Patrick Suskind.
Ce livre a donné un sens à tous les autres livres. Par les mots je sentais toutes les odeurs et j’'arrivais à prendre la place de Grenouille, le héros. Est-ce la solution pour les enfants qui n'aiment pas la lecture ? Des livres olfactifs...

J'ai visité Grasse durant mon adolescence. J'ai gardé en mémoire le souvenir des jardins de roses, des usines de production ouvertes au public, des achats de parfums et savons pour la famille. Et les noms en /ar/ que ma grand-mère adorait répéter : Molinard, Galimard, Fragonard...
Après avoir vu l’exposition sur le parfum à Somerset house (Londres) en 2017, je décidai d'emmener ma famille à Grasse en Provence pour que chacun crée son parfum...


"Grasse, city of Provence, is renowned throughout the world for its fields of flowers and natural scents. The scent of Grasse emanates from such great know-how that the United Nations has declared it a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is well known, Grasse is THE international capital of perfume."

Fragonard is a famous name in Grasse behind many of the museums. It’s a family story/business:

"Eugène Fuchs decided to pay tribute to the most famous native of Grasse by naming his business after the painter Jean-Honoré Fragonard (1732-1806). The choice of the name Fragonard was also guided by his desire to thank the town that had welcomed him and his family, and to identify his perfumery with the refinement of the 18th century arts.
He started gifting his loyal customers with an opportunity to tour the factory’s manufacturing workshops with direct sales of scented products.

A great lover of art, he began collecting pieces that tell the story of perfume making in the early 1960s and went on to found the first Perfume Museum in Grasse in 1975 in addition to two Parisian museums. This initiative fuelled Fragonard’s already flourishing business while giving it a cultural dimension, further enhanced since by the Provençal Museum of Costume and Jewellery in 1997, the Jean-Honoré Fragonard Museum in Grasse inaugurated in 2011 and the Perfume Museum in Paris near the Opéra, which opened its doors in 2015."

Autres lectures sur le parfum, Jean Claude Ellena a écrit 2 livres sur son histoire : Journal d'un Parfumeur et La Note Verte.

I took these pictures in Jean-Honoré Fragonard Museum, Parfumerie Fragonard, and the perfume factory tour.